Astrology and Vastu, all the services we offer are not to be considered as substitutes for conventional medical treatments; legislation, We would like to point out that the use of crystals during treatments as well as advice given regarding certain stones and their capabilities is based on our research and experiences.

All information about the metaphysical properties of the crystals is for reference only. It is a combination of research on how the gemstones have been used by different cultures today and throughout history. Please always listen to the advice of your medical professional and only use crystals as a complimentary therapy in addition to medical treatment.

Any information given by Crystline or Team Prakaasham, verbally, in writing, or electronically, relating to Complementary Therapies should be received and be understood in the context of this disclaimer. Any decisions or choices made, resulting from guidance or treatment given by Crystline or Team Prakaasham , are the legal & personal responsibility of the client, both at the time of consultation(s) and in the future.